Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Winners

Micropedia of Microaggressions by Zulu Alpha Kilo for Black Business and Professional Association, et al.
Judges' Pick: Terence Tse
“Social change is part education and part motivation. The Micropedia of Micro-aggressions creates a platform for both and allows for growth as common knowledge becomes democratized on the website. It is functional, mobile-forward and fluidly seamless in the sharing of knowledge through its user-friendly interface which beckons for exploration of the content. Search by category or simply type in a few words and they are delivered to you with meaning and purpose. It is in itself a modern-day reflection tool of thoughts, feelings and emotions.”
Project Description:
To highlight common micro-aggressions and encourage self-awareness to prevent them, The Micropedia provides an ever-growing resource with definitions, information and real-world examples from culture, media and daily interactions. Each entry explains how a specific microaggression is harmful in an easy-to -understand, judgment-free way. Users are invited to contribute their own experiences and use it as a go-to tool for supporting training and education. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion organizations behind the initiative partnered to develop relevant content and share the resource through their channels. The project was quickly picked up by local and international press, engaging users from over 115 countries with no paid media. The Micropedia is now being used in corporations, institutions, and organizations around the world with the tool featured on resource pages for universities, hospital networks, government bodies, media companies and global businesses.
Chief Creative Officer: Zak Mroueh
Head of Design / Executive Creative Director: Stephanie Yung
Executive Creative Director: Christina Yu
Art Director: Andrea Por
Writer: Christina Roche
Design Director: Jeff Watkins
Designer: Zoe Kim
UX/UI Designer: Damian Simev
Account Team: Rob Feightner, Karla Ramirez, Michael Brathwaite
Partners: Black Business & Professional Association, Canadian Congress on Inclusive Diversity and Workplace Equity, Diversity Institute, Ryerson University, Pride at Work Canada

The Progress Heart by ATB Financial
Project Description:
In support of Calgary Pride, ATB gave back to the community through collaborations with local businesses Local Laundry and Monogram Coffee. Design components included stickers and social posts, all of which featured the Progress Heart. Designed as a symbol of greater inclusivity and a community-first attitude, the Progress Heart is accessible to all regardless of age, gender or orientation. A limited edition Pride crewneck was delivered with the message: “You already wear Pride close to your heart, and this shirt seals the deal. Thank you for standing with us in support of LGBTIQ2S+ people during Pride month, and every month.” Proceeds supported the Centre for Sexuality, specifically the Gay Straight Alliances (GSA) programming.
Marketing Manager: Tianna Sterling
Communications Manager: Tia Hagen
Graphic Designer: Laura Erickson
Art Director: Eldon Kymson
Copywriter: Jennifer Manning
Photographer: Steph Hansen

Likehome Book by Laura Della Scala Associate RGD for COSTI
Project Description:
For new and existing international students integrating into Canadian society, this book provides information about the impact of culture shock and tools for reflection and self-analysis to assist with cultural adaptation challenges. Colourful, friendly tones help communicate positivity, which is reinforced by the word mark “LIKEHOME” and the tagline “Learn Reflect Live”. Using clear, organized design and engaging illustrations, the 120-page resource is both easy to understand and enjoyable to read.
Book Design & Illustrations: Laura Della Scala Associate RGD

Manitoba Studio Fund Website by Manoverboard
Project Description:
Seven studios, agencies and designers in Manitoba formed the Manitoba Studio Fund by partnering with the GDC Foundation. Each design partner annually contributes funds towards a scholarship for graphic design students who are Black, Indigenous, or of colour in Manitoba, offering paid internships and distributing $4,000 per year between two students from Red River College and the University of Manitoba. Through strong, compelling visuals, the site promotes the uniqueness and importance of the fund. The founders hope it will also encourage other designers, studios and agencies to take action and consider creating scholarships for BIPOC design students. The website helped to propel the scholarship forward in its first year and highlighted the Manitoba design's community commitment to social change and giving back.
Website: Manoverboard
Identity: Brandish

Out at Home Video by Forge Media + Design for University Health Network, University of Guelph and Western University
Project Description:
‘Out at Home’ is an educational video designed to address a gap in formal education provided to nurses, personal social workers and other home care providers, highlighting specific needs, fears and struggles that may be faced by aging LGBTQ+ individuals. Using a combination of documentary filmmaking, dramatization and interviews with community members and care workers, the compelling 20-minute training video provides a positive, educational and informative resource. Branding for the project provided cohesion and clarity of information, delivering a polish for the final product that could be extended to websites and print collateral. The video has been used for in-person presentations to agencies and institutions in home care, and will be rolled out online with more information and resources.
Director/Creative Direction: Laurence Roberts
Screenwriters: Alisa Grigorovich, Siobhan Margaret Churchill, Jessica Boulé, Laurence Roberts
Project Manager/Director of Photography: Ivan Padilla
Editing: Ivan Padilla, Laurence Roberts
Design: Niël Havemann, Mark Collantes
Composers: Bryce Mitchell, Keegan Jessamy

25 Years of Tuktuk Nogait (Nurrait) National Park by Inuvialuit Communications Society (ICS) for Tusaayaksat Magazine & Parks Canada [Western Arctic Field Unit]
Project Description:
In Summer 2021, Tusaayaksat Magazine, published by the Inuvialuit Communications Society (ICS), partnered with Parks Canada (Western Arctic Field Unit) to create a special issue publication to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Tuktut Nogait (Nurrait) National Park. Tuktut Nurrait (Sallirmiutun for “young caribous”) was created to protect traditional Inuvialuit (Western Arctic Inuit) cultural and ecological resources, such as the Bluenose West caribou herd and its calving grounds. As a substantial archive of oral histories, life stories, Inuvialuit and scientific knowledge, photographs, and artwork about the park since time immemorial, this project aims to celebrate and reaffirm Inuvialuit ownership, pride, and connection with their ancestral lands. The publication features “25 Faces for 25 Years”, including profiles of individuals involved in the park, or who are descendants of its original negotiators. 2,800 copies were printed and distributed to Inuvialuit Beneficiaries all over the world, Parks Canada employees, and bookstores across Canada, in addition to online editions on Apple Books and Google Play Books. In the spirit of Truth & Reconciliation, the final design product incited and prompted a legislative process for the correction of the park’s name at a federal level.
Editorial Team: Tracey Wolki, Jason Lau, Lexis McDonald, Stephanie Yuill ICS Manager: Tamara Voudrach
Storytellers: Colleen Arnison, Mataya Gillis, Peter Green, Noel Green, Ruben Green, Lisa Hodgetts, Steve Illasiak, Rose Kirby, Bill Kudlak, Muffa Kudlak, Paden Lennie, Kate Leonard, Sadie Lester, Natasha Lyons, Lexis McDonald, Jonah Nakimayak, Herbert Nakimayak, Tom Nesbitt, Ashley Piskor, Edward Ruben, Chris Ruben, Craig Ruben, Donna Ruben, Mark Ruben, Jr., Albert Ruben, Sr., Ray Ruben, Sr., Lanita Thrasher, Tracey Wolki, Frances Wolki, Brianna Wolki, Marlene Wolki, Esther Wolki, Stephanie Yuill
Artists: Hayleigh Conway (Special Edition Tuktut Nogait National Park map), Lung Liu, Logan Ruben Sallirmiutun
Consultants: Beverly Amos, Albert Elias
Interviewer: Lily Ann Green
Photographer: Sandra Thrasher

Clayton Community Centre 47 Wayfinding & Signage by hcma for the City of Surrey
Project Description:
The Clayton Community Centre serves a range of cultures, socio-economic backgrounds and generations, bringing recreation, library, arts and park services together in one building. Architects and environmental graphic designers worked together to explore how the design concept of ‘a forest for everyone’ could be brought to life. The result is a calm, neutral space where splashes of forest green demarcate points of interest. Pictograms are designed to complement the typeface and the angles of the building’s intricate timber-grid roof structure, the ‘forest canopy’. Inclusive principles underpin every design decision, including visual contrast for improved navigation and depth perception, raised letters and braille for signage and universal washrooms. Colour, texture, typography, icons, positioning and materiality combine to achieve a cohesive language throughout the facility and effectively serve its diverse community.
Partner in Charge: Melissa Higgs
Project Architect: Aiden Callison
Architect: Jessika MacDonald
Wayfinding & Signage Lead: Bonnie Retief
Designer: Alberto Boulón
Photography: Various (hcma, Doublespace)

Can't Read, Can't Write, Here's My Book by Kaila Jacques for Michael Jacques
Project Description:
Written using speech-to-text technology, Michael Jacques’ autobiography speaks about growing up with autism and an intellectual disability. Designed by his sister, the book acts as a tool to support his message and provide visual cues to help share his story and inspire others. The design is simple, highly visual and systematic. Each of the 10 chapters begins with an illustration which provides a visual cue for Michael to follow. The large type throughout the book allows images to be scattered alongside the words to guide the narrative. Michael’s book has sold over 18,000 copies since 2018 and has become an important resource for conversations about diversity and inclusion. It is used for curriculum in some schools across Canada, helping to improve students’ experiences and teach others how to include and respect children who are different.
Author: Michael Jacques
Editor: Meghan Greeley
Book Design: Kaila Jacques & Chris Barbas
Illustrations: Kaila Jacques, Flavia López, Raylene Knutson, Mariana Nemer, Katherine Ross, Ben Lory, Adrian Forrow, Tristan Marantos, Odran McAtamney, Chris Barbas