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Arcadis Deconstructing the Digital Twin Symposium


Vancouver, BC

IBI Group and Multiplex collaborated on “Deconstructing the Digital Twin,” a virtual symposium held in IBI Group’s virtual Smart City Sandbox. This half-day event included a series of TED talk-style presentations from industry leaders, a Q&A period and networking opportunities. The objectives of the event were to provide a better understanding of the DNA of digital twins and their potential and collaborate on standards for the future with stakeholders. The design package included event graphics, invitations, save-the-dates, digital environmental graphics, animations, UI elements, wayfinding and a keynote presentation. A warm mauve from the Smart City Sandbox brand palette, bold mirrored typography and geometric forms inspired by DNA created the backbone of the event brand. A bold and elegant solution was provided that felt at home within the Smart City Sandbox family of events, while remaining unique and custom-made to the Digital Twin Symposium. From window graphics in the virtual environment to animated social media posts, the design language was consistent across all platforms, resulting in a cohesive and modern event branding package. With over 300 guests, the Digital Twin Symposium is the largest turn-out for a virtual sandbox event to date. Overall, the event was a major success.

Deconstructing the Digital Twin Symposium Exhibit

Judge’s Pick

Tara Kerner, Director of GCPE Graphic Communications, Victoria, BC

“This mammoth-sized project brings added value to every corner. The clean and consistent typography paired with an invisible design grid makes this very attractive. Strategic design components are thought-out. Beautiful colour palettes as a whole, while paired with the focused colour shades (for different products), create an experience that really draws you in to the content. Combining the dark background with the bright colour really helps the colour pop off the page or screen. The instructions for the virtual environment are considered for the end user experience. I can’t take my eyes off of this. This really is top-notch work!”

Deconstructing the Digital Twin Symposium Exhibit


  • Creative Direction: Robyn Gillrie
  • Graphic Design: Melanie Carter RGD
  • Smart City Sandbox Branding: Linden Laserna
  • Videography: Ryan Megaffin
  • Communications: Shannon Edwards
  • Visualization and Rendering: Matt Clementson