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Sponsored Awards

UofTMed Magazine: ‘The Sex Issue’, full interior title spread

Domtar Award for Innovative Use of Paper

UofTMed Magazine: ‘The Art of Dying’ & ‘The Sex Issue’

A direct question or simple statement for the inside covers and first pages create intrigue and
allow readers to quickly grasp the content theme. For the cover of The Art of Dying, a memento
mori was commissioned to reflect society’s collective fear of an over-medicalized “bad death,”
using an embossed skull obscured in the hospital bed. For The Sex Issue cover, a more playful
tone was achieved through the use of bright pink and an attention-grabbing tease: a peelable
condom-shaped sticker.

Preview of highlighter app and graphic assets

Award for Creative Use of .Design Domain

babyTEL Inc.: Hivelighter App

UI/UX design considerations were the main focus of this project, which involved creating a whole
new way of interacting with the web to make highlighting content as natural as highlighting lines
from a print book. It was also important to make the experience of sharing the content as intuitive
as possible, to emphasize the social aspect of the idea. The result is a platform that users love,
and the ‘innovation project’ has brought in a collection of institutional and strategic investors to
help bring it to the next level.

A Smarter Urban Future wall graphics in their office at 55 St. Clair Avenue West

Category 5 Award for Branding/Large Format Innovation

IBI Group: ‘A Smarter Urban Future’ Campaign

All creative featured a woman wearing a VR headset overlaid with what she is experiencing:
a vibrantly thriving cityscape representing both the firm’s future direction and its existing role in
the built environment. Different components of the campaign targeted staff, investors, clients
and partners, with creative assets including an annual report, fold-out brochure, staff handbook,
videos, social media, event design and experiential branding through environmental and
motion graphics, all reinforcing the theme of ‘A Smarter Urban Future’.