Who Moved My Cheese: Tales from a Recovering Order Taker
Diana Campbell RGD, Alberta Blue Cross
About this video
The business world often pigeonholes designers into the role of order taker. We lean into this role, becoming the "executors" of other people's brilliance. We follow briefs to the letter, all while griping to our colleagues, friends, family and partners. We assume there is no room for our mere mortal feedback, let alone advocate to have any level of strategic input. This entrenched perspective not only limits the potential impact of our work, but also diminishes our confidence, has us questioning our competency and limits our role in the broader business ecosystem, leading to an epidemic of mid-career abandonment in design. Join Diana on a journey that aims to offer practical tools to transform yourself from being seen as an order taker to an invaluable strategic partner.

Diana Campbell RGD
Alberta Blue Cross