To Serve and Project
Susan Bradley
About this video
As gatekeepers, teachers and hand-holders, designers juggle a myriad of different questions and responsibilities on any given project. The sheer politics alone in a room that hasn’t begun addressing the project can become a project! But rest assured, the one thing holding steady no matter what is the story. Within all the styles and processes you call upon, every part longs to serve the story. How do you get familiar with someone else’s story? How do we take our experience and solve a puzzle with it? The first thing I would say is breathe.
Susan Bradley
An obsession with typography and visual metaphors lead Bradley down a 20-year path in film & title design. She began with traditional photo-chemical optical EFX at a post production house in Los Angeles, where she met her hero and Saul Bass lettering artist Harold Adler. Adler’s old-school techniques and influence would follow her next to Disney Studios for six years as lead title designer and manager of their Title Graphics division. Since leaving Disney Studios, her passion of fi lm titles was recognized at the American Film Institute (AFI), where she taught “Theory and Practice of Film Title Design” to its Digital Media fellows for three years. Susan continued to design titles and graphics for many live action productions, until she fi nally reunited with Pixar Animation Studios in 2005 to create title designs and graphics on several of their features and short fi lms including Pixar’s latest release Brave.