The Other Design Thinking
Elizabeth Pastor
About this video
Upstream from poster, product and service creation there is a new breed of design firm working with changemaking leaders to frame challenges, recognize opportunities, cocreate solutions, and help cross-disciplinary teams work effectively together. The Other Design Thinking involves much more sensemaking upfront and that train is already on the tracks and rolling. Pastor will talk about the work that Humantific is doing and spell out an invitation to other practice leaders working in the same universe as part of their upcoming book: The Other Design Thinking: What the heck is it? What does it do?
Elizabeth Pastor
Elizabeth is Co-founder of Humantific, a leading SenseMaking and ChangeMaking consultancy in New York. She is an innovation consultant, designer, facilitator, and educator with a unique expertise combining Visual SenseMaking and Strategic Co-Creation. Her passion lies in helping people learn, understand and make sense of complex situations in new and inclusive ways. Elizabeth enjoys teaching. She is on the graduate faculty of the Istituto Europeo di Design Madrid and ICADE's Executive MBA Madrid Program. Elizabeth is presently working on her upcoming book on Visual SenseMaking.