The Hidden Talents of Everyday Things by Kelli Anderson

About this video
The craft of design taps into a sophisticated—and uniquely human—way that our senses “feel-out" problems. When we push to assess material resistance, squint to gauge contrast or stand back to feel the emotional impact of a design, we are using a give-and-take tinkering logic to make sense of our world. Because of this, design can be a radically firsthand approach to finding new possibilities hiding in the experiences (and materials) that we most take for granted. In this talk, Kelli primarily focuses on her experimental projects, where she pushes paper to its functional limits.
About Kelli Anderson
Kelli is an artist/designer/tinkerer who draws, photographs, cuts, prints, codes, and creates stop-motion videos. You may have previously seen her design/animation work for Tinybop’s acclaimed Human Body app, her paper record player wedding invitation, or the counterfeit NY Times hoax (made as part of activist group, The Yes Men.) She is also known for her work for NPR, The New Yorker, Wired, and Martha Rosler/MoMA—as well as branding/space redesigns for Russ & Daughters, Munchery, and momofuku. This Fall, she is releasing This Book is a Planetarium—a collection of functional pop-up contraptions that elucidate scientific principles in tactile terms (and…yes, the book begins with a tiny paper planetarium.)