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May 22, 2018

Pricing Creativity

Blair Enns

About this video


​Relevant ​to ​any ​creative ​or ​marketing professional ​who ​sets, ​negotiates ​or ​delivers ​price, Blair Enns ​addresses ​the key ​principles, ​rules ​and ​tips ​from his book Pricing Creativity. ​This ​webinar will ​leave ​the ​audience ​not ​only believing ​that ​they ​can ​charge ​much ​more, ​but ​showing ​them ​how ​to ​do ​it.

“You ​cannot ​be ​an ​effective ​pricer ​if ​you ​study ​pricing ​alone ​and eschew ​some of ​the ​complementary ​skills ​of ​selling ​and negotiating,” ​says ​Enns. ​“Most ​attempts ​at value-based ​pricing ​in ​creative ​firms ​fail ​for ​this ​reason.” ​That ​blended ​view ​of pricing, selling ​and ​negotiating ​is ​what ​Enns ​brings ​to ​the ​subject ​matter, ​but he ​is clear ​that ​none ​of ​these ​areas ​is ​where ​his ​true ​expertise ​lies. “More ​than ​pricing ​or selling, ​what ​I ​know ​is ​the ​creative ​mind ​and ​the ​peculiarities ​that ​make ​it ​difficult for ​that ​person ​to ​ask ​to ​be ​paid what ​they ​are ​worth.”

Some ​key ​points ​covered ​include:

- How ​to ​get ​paid ​for ​value ​instead ​of ​inputs ​or ​outputs
- The ​proper ​use ​of ​retainers
- How ​to ​move ​from ​50-page ​decks ​to ​one-page ​proposals
- How ​to ​untether ​from ​tracking ​and ​selling ​time
- How ​to ​reconcile ​agile ​development ​with ​value ​pricing
- How ​to ​overcome ​your ​own ​mental ​hurdles ​to ​charging ​more


Blair Enns

Blair is the sand in the free pitching machine. Through his sales training program for creative professionals, Win Without Pitching, he is on a mission to change the way creative services are bought and sold the world over. He is the author of The Win Without Pitching Manifesto (Rockbench, 2010) and Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond The Billable Hour (Rockbench, 2018). Blair lives with his family in the remote mountain village of Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada. He can be found on the web at and on Twitter at @blairenns.
