I’m Not REALLY Listening. Neither Are You. And We’re Missing Out.
Farai Madzima
About this video
We all know the importance of listening, but often we just wait to talk. Join Farai as he shares tips and practices that you can include in your work and life to improve the way you listen. Why should you care? Because in a world where everyone is waiting to be heard, actively listening can be a radical, inclusive and creative act.
Farai Madzima
Farai coaches People Managers who want to be great at their jobs, but don’t have the support to learn and develop the necessary skills. He also works as a UX Manager at Shopify in Ottawa. Before that, while living in South Africa, Farai designed banking apps used by many across the continent. He grappled with unique design challenges because most internet users have never used a laptop or desktop. And some buy data by the megabyte. Farai likes words in all languages, township jazz, nerdy hip-hop and the number 127.