Designing for Behaviour Change
Grace Hwang
About this video
As designers, we influence behaviour and architect choice every day. We place more desirable food options within arm reach, we create educational experiences that mimic entertainment and can even activate movements through powerful communication. But how do we design for long-term behaviour change, especially in the face of addiction? In this talk, you'll learn about how human-centered design can create positive, lasting change at scale.
Grace Hwang
Grace has over two decades of experience helping companies leverage design and finding the intersection between what matters to people and how technology can help deliver it. Previously she spent 12 years at IDEO, where she led multi-disciplinary teams and collaborated with startups, nonprofit organizations and Fortune 500 companies like Samsung, NASA and ConAgra. Grace also co-led IDEO’s Food and Beverage practice and served as Executive Director of IDEO’s Design for Health practice. She holds multiple patents and was awarded Fast Company’s Innovation By Design Award for her work on the patient and employee experience for Planned Parenthood. She teaches at Stanford University.