Designing for an Uncertain Future
About this video
Our futures have always been uncertain, but in 2020 we're collectively questioning our roles as human beings and creatives in our community and at-large. How do we design for a future so uncertain? Join three visionary designers as they examine the role of designers in our challenging, uncertain world and the opportunities that it offers. The session will consist of three 10-minute presentations followed by Q&A/discussion with the audience. Speakers include Vanessa Eckstein RGD, Founder & Creative Director of Blok Design and Brian Collins, Chief Creative Officer & Founder of Collins.
Brian Collins: Mess is more.
How anti-modernism will help us to get through the 21st century.
Vanessa Eckstein RGD: Designing on the Edge of Chaos
At the core of great design is the understanding that creative energy is instigated by all that is undefined. What do we know for sure? How does uncertainty inspire us to go further and think deeper? Is there a better time than now to question all that we assume to be true?
Elvira Barriga: Conscious Creativity
What is the creative brief that these times bring to us? How can we rise to the occasion? How can we find stability in the realization that certainty is – and has always been – an illusion? What can we rely on? We’ve been challenged to pause, to retreat inwards and into our most inner circles. We’ve been asked to assess the blueprint of our lives and to see how it overlaps with the questions and demands of our time. How can we fuse mindfulness and coaching practices with design thinking principles to move inwards, upwards and onwards?
Alonzo Canada: Designing for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity
Times have always changed, but today the rate of change is increasing exponentially. Technology continues to advance at a blistering pace impacting our economic, political and social systems in ways not seen before. It's a VUCA world where volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity have become the norm. Design thinking offers an approach that's suited for solving opened ended problems. How can we leverage it to design solutions for a VUCA world?