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Mar 29, 2022

Designing for Trust

Dalit Shalom
Dalit Shalom speaking on stage

About this video


Trust is essential for a healthy society. But in recent years, trust has been eroded in many areas of our lives. Join Dalit to explore how designers can play a role in reclaiming trust in our digital future. Together, we will examine how we can turn the tide on the decline of trust and what commitments are necessary to bring it back into our lives, products and experiences.


Dalit Shalom

Dalit guides the creation of new formats, spaces and tools that advance storytelling at The New York Times. She also leads a team that focuses on trust and credibility, interfacing with multiple desks and teams across the newsroom and working closely with the masthead to define key moments to help clarify The Times’ journalism to readers. She is the co-chair of the Women’s Network, NYT’s largest employee resource group. Dalit teaches design thinking classes at Tandon School of Engineering NYU and at the Columbia School of Journalism.
