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Apr 26, 2023

Culture Shock Series: Type & Politics by Golnar Kat Rahmani

Golnar Kat Rahmani

About this video


Golnar Kat Rahmani is a Berlin-based creative director and artist, born and raised in Iran, graduated in visual communication from Tehran University and the Academy of Art Berlin-Weißensee. She runs Studio Katrahmani. The studio specializes in typography, type design, editorial design featuring a strong expertise in multilingual typography.

Her recent initiative project “Type & Politics” aims at freeing Arabic/Persian Type from its ideological and negative connotations. Within this topic she organized typographic workshops at UDK (university of arts Berlin) and KHB (Academy of art Berlin Weißensee) and held lectures at various design conferences including Typoberlin 2018, Typographics New York 2021.


Golnar Kat Rahmani
