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8:30 AM - Breakfast / Registration

9:30 AM - Opening Remarks

9:45 AM - Of Contexts and Curriculum Transformation: Comparative Decolonizing Design Efforts Between Canada and the United States by Dori Tunstall

10:30 AM - Break

10:45 AM - From Struggle to Success: A Conversation on Navigating a Return to Student Workplace Readiness by Jan Ballard & Erica Holeman

11:00 AM - Ungrading Unlocked: One Educator’s Experience with a Completely Self-Assessed Course by Diana Varma RGD

11:15 AM - Representing Risk: Radical Collaboration in a Design Classroom by Angela Norwood RGD, and Yaqing (Helen) Han

11:30 AM - Q&A / Discussion

12:00 PM - Lunch

1:15 PM - Design Engaging with Indigenous Languages by Leo Vicenti

1:30 PM - Design Hacks and Strategies for Teaching Immersive Media by David Hardy

1:45 PM - Learning Human-Centred Design Principles through Practice by Rupsha Mutsuddi Provisional RGD

2:00 PM - Q&A / Discussion

2:30 PM - Break

2:45 PM - Design for Good: Gen Z's Multi-Sensory Takeover by Xiaojun Huang

3:00 PM - Bridging the Arts and Sciences: Using Design for Trans-disciplinary Collaboration by Joshua Hale 

3:15 PM - Advancing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals in Post-secondary Education by John deWolf RGD

3:30 PM - Q&A / Discussion

4:00 PM - Break

4:15 PM - Expanding the Canon by Ellen Lupton