RGD Certification Sample Test
Would you like to test your knowledge and get a first-hand experience of our online testing platform?
The Sample Test consists of 5 questions per section. If you have 15+ years of experience and/or education, you would only be required to complete 2 sections (Accessibility & Ethics).
- Complete the test within 7-day window
- up to 40 minutes to complete
- Multiple choice questions in same format as official Test
- You may use any hard copy notes and books for reference during the test. You are also welcome to use the digital copies of the RGD Handbook, Accessibility 2 Handbook & Code of Ethics for reference supplied by RGD.
- Summary of results for how you did on each section
Pricing: $16.95 for Members, $33.90 for non-members (includes 13% tax) for a 1 time use.
Questions? Email Heidi Veri, Director of Membership