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InterviewMay 01, 2024

Volunteer of the Month: Alan Joson RGD

Interview with Alan Joson RGD, The Michener Institute of Education at UHN

The RGD thanks Alan Joson RGD this May for his contributions to the community.

Q. How long have you been volunteering with the RGD and in what capacity? what made you want to get involved? 

I have participated in numerous RGD events since 2009, but started volunteering for the RGD mid-2017 by helping to host the Designer + Drink + Discussions in Toronto. What inspired me to get involved was the sense of community that I felt at the D+D+D events. This feeling soon changed as my graphic design career progressed to how I can contribute/give back.

Q. What have you learned about the industry since volunteering for the RGD?

I’ve learned that the profession is like the “wild-west”; everyone is a graphic designer, but not everyone is held to the RGD level of standard/success. There are many talented individuals in the industry, but there must be a standard to which we are held.

Q. Based on your experience volunteering, how would you describe the role of the organization?

I feel the RGD provides a “gold standard” for graphic designers. I feel pride when I put my 'Provisional RGD' designation on correspondence. The programs the RGD offers add value to my Membership. These build my skills as a graphic designer and build my network of professional colleagues. RGD strengthens Members' sense of community.

Q. Can you share any ideas or suggestions for what individual designers and/or organizations like the RGD can be doing to further improve the industry? 

I feel as a designer, it’s important to grow your skills and network beyond your school/workplace. The best thing an individual designer can do is to become a Member of the RGD. Any level of Membership has value. You’ll gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expand your professional network. Volunteering has also helped me broaden my understanding of design.

Q. What have you gained from being an RGD volunteer, and why would you recommend it to other members who might be thinking of getting involved?

Volunteering for the RGD has helped me expand my professional network on all levels. I connect with students; just-starting-out designers; to legendary-level creatives, all of us are part of a community of like-minded professionals.

Alan Joson RGD

The Michener Institute of Education at UHN

While completing my portfolio for entry into the Ontario College of Art and Design (now OCADU), I discovered my passion and enthusiasm for graphic design and photography. I joined the corporate world for several years while simultaneously engaging in creative pursuits, including managing my own photography business. In 2010, I completed my studies in Advertising & Graphic Design at Humber College. Having further refined my design skills through my time at George Brown College and at the Ontario College of Trades, I now balance my role as the in-house graphic designer for the Michener Institute of Education at UHN with an active career as a freelance designer. All of my roles have provided me with a singular perspective and clear understanding of what is vital to maintaining positive work relationships while simultaneously meeting and exceeding client expectations from my work experience in the corporate, education, and regulatory sectors and as a creative design entrepreneur.

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