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NewsOct 30, 2023

DTVAN 2023 recordings now available for RGD Members

Photo of Alex Center presenting at conference.

RGD Members can now access presentation recordings from DesignThinkers Vancouver 2023

RGD Members who were unable to attend or want to re-live favourite moments, enjoy members-only access to full presentation recordings in the Video Library section of our website.

Talks from this year's Vancouver Conference including:

  • How To Find Your Center by Alex Center
  • Character Matters by Theresa Fitzgerald
  • Departure – 40 Years of Art & Design by Cey Adams
  • Future of Creativity by Thas Naseemuddeen
  • Patterns as a Love Language by Stephanie Lola
  • An Accidental Journey: The Power of Self-Generated Projects by Debbie Millman
  • How Designers Can Get Consistent Client by Lauren Gonzalez
  • Language as Feeling by Tom Hingston
  • Everything in Motion by Liza Enebeis

In addition to DesignThinkers VAN 2023 recordings, RGD Members have access to an archive of over 800+ recordings including presentations from DesignThinkers going back to 2009, professional development webinars and other RGD events.

Become a Member
To access recordings and take advantage of other benefits of Membership such as free webinars, discounts for the RGD events including our DesignThinkers, RGD publications, industry discounts and more, join the RGD now! Click here for more information about the Memberships.

Check out RGD's YouTube channel for a selection of public videos.


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